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Success Is Never Owned, It Is Rented

Success is never owned it is rented, in a world fixated on ownership, the idea that success is merely rented may seem perplexing at first glance. After all, isn’t the pinnacle of achievement something to possess and hold onto indefinitely?

However, upon closer examination, this statement unveils profound insights into the nature of success and the journey toward it.

At its core, “success is never owned, it is rented” encapsulates achievement’s dynamic and evolving nature. 

than viewing success as a destination, it encourages individuals to perceive it as a continuous growth, adaptation, and perseverance process. Here’s why this mindset shift is essential for personal and professional development.

Continuous Improvement

Success isn’t a static state; it’s a dynamic journey characterized by ongoing improvement. Embracing the notion that success must be earned continuously motivates individuals to strive for excellence.

Whether in career, relationships, or personal goals, the commitment to constant growth fosters resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges.

Humility and Gratitude

Acknowledging that success is rented fosters humility and gratitude. Instead of becoming complacent or entitled, individuals remain humble, recognizing the role of effort, opportunity, and external support in their achievements.

This humility cultivates a sense of gratitude, leading to a deeper appreciation for the journey and the people who contribute to it.

Resilience in Adversity

In the face of setbacks and failures, the understanding that success is transient provides solace and resilience. Rather than interpreting challenges as permanent barriers to success, individuals perceive them as temporary roadblocks on the growth path.

This resilience enables them to bounce back from adversity, learn from setbacks, and continue moving forward with renewed determination.

Embracing Change

The concept of rented success underscores the inevitability of change. Just as a lease expires, circumstances evolve, requiring individuals to adapt and evolve.

By embracing change as an integral part of the success journey, individuals remain flexible, open-minded, and proactive in navigating new opportunities and challenges.

Redefining Success

Shifting from a mindset of owning success to renting it prompts individuals to redefine what success truly means. Rather than measuring success solely by external markers such as wealth or status, they prioritize fulfillment, purpose, and personal growth.

This redefinition empowers individuals to pursue goals aligned with their values and passions, fostering a deeper sense of satisfaction and meaning.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

The belief that success is rented aligns with the principles of a growth mindset, wherein individuals perceive challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

Embracing this mindset fosters a love for learning, resilience in the face of setbacks, and a willingness to embrace risks and failures as essential components of success.

A Rented Apartment, Not a Forever Home

We often chase success as if it’s a trophy to be claimed and held onto forever. But the truth is, success is more like a rented apartment – it requires continuous effort and commitment to maintain. 

concept, popularized by motivational speaker Rory Vaden, emphasizes the impermanent nature of achievement and the importance of consistent action.

Imagine achieving your dream job, landing a big promotion, or publishing your book. These milestones are certainly cause for celebration, but they are not the end of the journey. 

A rented apartment needs upkeep to remain comfortable and functional, success requires an ongoing dedication to stay on top.

Here’s why viewing success as “rented” can be beneficial

Combats complacency: When we see success as something earned, not owned, it prevents us from becoming stagnant. It reminds us that progress requires continuous effort, even after reaching our goals.

Promotes growth mindset: This perspective encourages a focus on continuous learning and improvement. We become more open to adapting, innovating, and seeking new challenges to keep the “rent” paid.

Boosts resilience: Knowing that setbacks are inevitable helps us bounce back from challenges. We understand that temporary dips in performance don’t negate progress, just like a missed rent payment doesn’t mean eviction.

So, how do we pay the “rent” on our success? Here are some tips

Set daily goals and track progress: Break down long-term goals into smaller, achievable actions and celebrate each milestone.

Embrace continuous learning: Read, attend workshops, and seek opportunities to develop new skills and knowledge.

Stay adaptable and open to change: Be willing to adjust your strategies and embrace new opportunities.

Maintain a positive attitude: A growth mindset and a focus on progress fuel motivation and perseverance.

Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. By embracing the concept of “rented” success, we can cultivate a growth mindset, stay motivated, and continuously strive for excellence, one day at a time.



The notion that “success is never owned, it is rented” challenges conventional perceptions of achievement, urging individuals to embrace the journey rather than fixate on the destination. Individuals can navigate life’s complexities with grace and purpose by cultivating a mindset characterized by continuous improvement, humility, resilience, adaptability, and a redefined definition of success.

So, let us embark on this journey of rented success with courage, curiosity, and an unwavering commitment to growth.


Who Said Success is Rented, Not Owned?

The quote “Success is rented, not owned” is often attributed to various sources, including entrepreneur Mark Cuban and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar. It underscores the transient nature of success, reminding individuals of the continual effort required to maintain it.

What Are Success Payments?

Success payments refer to financial rewards or bonuses for individuals or entities upon achieving predetermined goals or milestones. These payments are typically tied to specific performance metrics and serve as incentives to drive success and accomplishment.

Is Success Rented Pay Your Dues?

Yes, the concept of success being rented can be likened to paying your dues. It implies that achieving success requires continual effort, dedication, and humility. Success must be earned and maintained through hard work and perseverance like paying dues.

What is The Quote About Success And Rent?

The quote about success and rent suggests that success is not a permanent possession but a transient state that requires continual effort and maintenance. It implies that success must be earned continuously, akin to renting a property rather than owning it outright.

What Did Einstein Say About Success?

Einstein famously remarked, “Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” This quote emphasizes the importance of focusing on contributing value to society rather than simply chasing success for its own sake.

Mousome Chowdhury
Mousome Chowdhury
Freelancing Entrepreneur, SEO Professional Digital Marketer & Social Media Specialist.


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