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HomeQUOTESPeople Take You for Granted Quotes: Value Your Worth

People Take You for Granted Quotes: Value Your Worth

In our journey through life, we often encounter situations where people fail to appreciate our presence, efforts, and contributions. It can be disheartening when our actions go unnoticed or undervalued. Find solace and strength in empowering ‘quotes for people who take you for granted’.

This collection of “quotes for people who take you for granted” reminds us to cherish our worth and seek relationships where our presence is truly valued.

Let these quotes inspire you to embrace your self-worth and demand the respect you deserve.

Understanding the Dynamics of Being Taken for Granted

  1. “Don’t let anyone take you for granted. Remember, your worth is not determined by someone else’s inability to see it.” – Unknown
  2. “Sometimes, people become so accustomed to your presence that they forget how rare and valuable you are.” – Unknown
  3. “When you’re always there for people, they stop appreciating your presence because they assume you’ll always be around.” – Unknown
  4. “Never settle for being someone’s option when you deserve to be their priority.” – Unknown
  5. “People will only value you as much as you value yourself. Set the standards high.” – Unknown
  6. “Being taken for granted is an unpleasant but sincere form of praise.” – Mignon McLaughlin
  7. “Don’t make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” – Maya Angelou
  8. “If you always go above and beyond for others, they’ll start to think that’s where you belong.” – Unknown
  9. “Sometimes, it takes absence to make people realize your true value.” – Unknown
  10. “When you’re taken for granted, it’s time to stand up and remind others of your worth.” – Unknown
  11. “People who don’t appreciate your presence don’t deserve your absence.” – Unknown
  12. “Remember, you are not a doormat. You are a person worthy of love, respect, and appreciation.” – Unknown
  13. “The moment you start feeling like you’re being taken for granted, it’s time to reevaluate the relationship.” – Unknown
  14. “You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” – Tony Gaskins
  15. “Don’t let the fear of losing someone allow them to disrespect you.” – Unknown

Finding Strength in Dealing with Being Taken for Granted

  1. “Never apologize for demanding the respect you deserve. It’s a sign of self-worth, not selfishness.” – Unknown
  2. “Value yourself enough to walk away from anyone who doesn’t see your worth.” – Unknown
  3. “It’s better to be alone than to be with someone who takes your presence for granted.” – Unknown
  4. “You are not responsible for someone else’s inability to appreciate your worth.” – Unknown
  5. “Taking someone for granted is the first step towards losing them.” – Unknown
  6. “Your worth doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your value.” – Unknown
  7. “When you stop being taken for granted, you open yourself up to the possibility of being truly appreciated.” – Unknown
  8. “True friends and loved ones never take you for granted. They cherish your presence every single day.” – Unknown
  9. “Never let others make you feel like you are worth less than you truly are.” – Unknown
  10. “You are not obligated to stay in relationships where your worth is constantly undermined.” – Unknown
  11. “Sometimes, it’s the absence of your presence that makes others realize your true value.” – Unknown
  12. “Don’t be afraid to set boundaries. Those who truly value you will respect them.” – Unknown
  13. “When someone takes you for granted, it’s a sign they’ve forgotten how valuable you are to them.” – Unknown
  14. “Your presence should be celebrated, not taken for granted.” – Unknown
  15. “Remember, you are not a backup plan. You deserve to be someone’s first choice.” – Unknown
  16. “Never let someone’s inability to appreciate your worth diminish your self-esteem.” – Unknown
  17. “If someone doesn’t appreciate your presence, make room for someone who will.” – Unknown
  18. “Taking someone for granted is a silent way of saying, ‘You are not important to me.'” – Unknown
  19. “Your worth is not determined by the opinions of those who fail to see it.” – Unknown
  20. “Don’t wait for someone else to remind you of your worth. Celebrate it yourself, every single day.” – Unknown


What is a quote about not taking things for granted?

Never take for granted the people who consistently show up for you. Their presence is a gift, and their support is a blessing that shouldn’t be overlooked or underestimated.

Why are people taken for granted?

“People are often taken for granted because their consistent presence and support create a sense of reliability. This can lead others to assume they will always be there, causing them to overlook or undervalue their contributions, taking them for granted.”

What are some taken-for examples?

Examples of taking someone or something for granted include:

  • Assuming that a loved one will always be there without expressing appreciation.
  • Relying on a friend’s help without acknowledging their efforts.
  • Expecting a service or resource to be available without recognizing its value or the effort behind it.

Why do friends take you for granted?

Friends may take you for granted due to a sense of familiarity and comfort in the relationship. They may assume your friendship is unconditional, leading them to overlook your needs or contributions. Lack of awareness, entitlement, or self-centeredness can also contribute to this behavior.

What to Do When a Girl Takes You for Granted?

When a girl takes you for granted, it’s important to communicate your feelings openly and assertively. Set clear boundaries, express your needs, and demand respect. If the behavior persists and your worth isn’t acknowledged, it may be necessary to reevaluate the relationship.


Discover empowering quotes for people who take you for granted. Never underestimate your worth or allow others to take you for granted. Surround yourself with people who value and appreciate your presence.

Remember, you are deserving of love, respect, and acknowledgment. Let these quotes for people who take you for granted remind you to cherish your worth and seek relationships that celebrate your true value.



Farjana Ivy
Farjana Ivy
I am an SEO expert and content writer. I am a student of Computer Science and Technology.


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